Agriculture on the Blockchain

Research Overview

Author: Henry Kim and Marek Laskowski
Release Date: December 15, 2017


This research looks at smart contracts and distributed ledger technology applied to farming and food sustainability. Its use cases include food provenance and food safety from farm to fork, local agricultural cooperatives creating local prosperity, and financial innovations in funding and insurance tailored to underserved communities of farmers.

Copyright 2017 Blockchain Research Institute ™.
This video is exclusively available for distribution to employees of BRI member companies.

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Copyright 2019 Blockchain Research Institute ™.This research paper is exclusively available for distribution to employees of BRI member organization for six months after the publish date. After six months, it will be made available for wider distribution under a Creative Commons license.

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Copyright 2017 Blockchain Research Institute ™.
This research paper is exclusively available for distribution to employees of BRI member organization for six months after the publish date. After six months, it will be made available for wider distribution under a Creative Commons license.

Agriculture Infographic

Copyright 2017 Blockchain Research Institute ™.
This infographic is exclusively available for distribution to employees of BRI member organization.

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