The Blockchain Research Institute ™


Realizing the New Promise of the Digital Economy

The Blockchain Research Institute ™ is conducting the definitive study of the impact of blockchain technology on business, government and society.

Our multi-million dollar research program features over 70 projects dedicated to exploring, understanding, documenting and informing leaders about blockchain strategies, market opportunities and implementation challenges.


Our ground-breaking research is funded by our members, which include major corporations and governments from around the world.

Member Testimonials

“It is Brightline’s focus to develop a holistic knowledge and networking platform to empower leaders to manage strategic initiatives and deliver the results of strategy more effectively. We understand the importance of adapting strategies to address the impact blockchain technology may have on the future of business. The partnership between Brightline and the BRI presents a unique venue to connect the disruptive growth of blockchain technology with strategic initiative management, deliver excellent research outcomes and best practices, and in so doing lead to positive impact on strategy implementation in organizations.”

Ricardo Vargas

Executive Director, The Brightline Initiative

“Blockchain is a great example of an emerging technology that Canadians are playing a lead role in developing. This research partnership with the Blockchain Research Institute ™ will give Canada a globally competitive advantage in the development of this transformative technology.”

Government of Canada
Navdeep Bains

Minister of Innovation, Science & Economic Development, Government of Canada

“We believe blockchain is a transformative technology for businesses. The Blockchain Research Institute ™ with its brilliant team will deepen and enrich the knowledge about blockchain. We highly appreciate and fully support this effort and will contribute our deep expertise in business processes as the global leader in enterprise software.”

Juergen Mueller

SAP Chief Innovation Officer

“CIBC is pleased to join the Blockchain Research Institute ™ and we applaud the think-tank’s strategic work in exploring the emerging technology.  CIBC recognizes the transformative nature of blockchain and we continue to leverage the technology in exploring new opportunities to enhance the client experience and innovate for the future. We’re excited to work alongside the Institute and its members to further catalyze Canada’s leadership in this space.”

Mike Boluch

Executive Vice President, Direct Banking, Innovation & Payments, CIBC

“It is critical that we make the most of potentially disruptive technologies like blockchain. As a member of the Blockchain Research Institute ™, we will be able to truly capitalize on the opportunities created by blockchain to improve the way we do business.”

Robert B. Carter

Executive Vice President & CIO, FedEx Corporation

“Tencent is committed to providing enterprise-class blockchain infrastructure, industry solutions, and safe, reliable and flexible blockchain cloud services. Blockchain Research Institute ™ provides a great platform for Tencent and other members of the institute to carry out blockchain research and discussion, which is of great significance to Tencent and the industry. We believe that the blockchain+ era is coming!”

Ray Guo

Head of Blockchain Innovation Lab, Vice General Manager of Financial Technology of Tencent

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BRI Europe